Monday, August 15, 2022

Is Galesburg downtown built for cars instead of people?

I'll put this here now because I can see that it's important. Joe Hicks is listened to and important people respond to him. And it's not a simple issue. I find myself avoiding downtown sometimes and in general not knowing everything that is there; of course that's true of most of Galesburg still for me.

I'll respond to this later, after I've had time to read more carefully.

Saturday, August 6, 2022


Exactly three weeks after we moved in, our garage was broken into, ransacked, and burglarized. To tell the truth, they did a lot of work, and didn't haul away all that much: power saw, hand held saw, lawn mower battery, a couple of tool boxes. But it did sting.

Yes, I'd left the door open, and the window too. they busted out a screen to get in. It was partly because it's been so hot lately, and frankly, I'd heard it was a small town, relatively safe, etc. I should have known. The policeman checked the neighbor to see if his cameras were working.

I'll admit we were a little naive. My wife was on me to lock more carefully, everything, every night. She was right. People are walking around looking for whatever is not nailed down. An open window is an open invitation.

I shall not be so stupid again. Welcome to Galesburg, I guess.

Friday, August 5, 2022

Galesburg needs more people

The first step to doing any kind of media in this town is finding others who are doing it: What do we have? What are people saying? Who sponsors them?

This is by Joe Hicks, a native Galesburg writer who does this newsletter on a "substack." I am not familiar with substacks; this is my first. I need to figure out if there are advantages. I will say that it is impressive. He is calm, reasonable and knowlegable, but unfortunately apparently has been taking a break in order to find work.

So it goes with media I guess - you can't expect to make any money, even if you are good.

I plan to develop this blog a little - have pictures, links, etc. This is a good place to start.

World-class potholes

If a pot-hole is big enough to fit my car in it, I call it world-class. The car will struggle with it because it goes all the way in and has...