Saturday, August 6, 2022


Exactly three weeks after we moved in, our garage was broken into, ransacked, and burglarized. To tell the truth, they did a lot of work, and didn't haul away all that much: power saw, hand held saw, lawn mower battery, a couple of tool boxes. But it did sting.

Yes, I'd left the door open, and the window too. they busted out a screen to get in. It was partly because it's been so hot lately, and frankly, I'd heard it was a small town, relatively safe, etc. I should have known. The policeman checked the neighbor to see if his cameras were working.

I'll admit we were a little naive. My wife was on me to lock more carefully, everything, every night. She was right. People are walking around looking for whatever is not nailed down. An open window is an open invitation.

I shall not be so stupid again. Welcome to Galesburg, I guess.

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